© Jonathan D. Gordon, Esq. 2016
Jonathan D. Gordon, Ph.D., J.D.
stereotypic divorce drama, involving the private detective trailing the
cheating spouse is now less frequently seen in Family Court, at least in New
Jersey where I practice. Since the
passage of the NJ “No fault divorce law” in 2007, it is much easier and simpler
to get a divorce for no particular reason other than “irreconcilable
differences” that must have have lasted for at least six months before the filing
of the Complaint for Divorce. No trial necessary to prove these grounds, no
requirement to be specific about what the irreconcilable differences are or how
they arose. Just the six month requirement.
So why use the grounds of adultery (among others) at all?
Courts are not really interested in marital fault any more unless there are
substantial issues of physical or financial injury such as the major
dissipation of marital assets, spousal violence resulting in injury, and some
others. Without getting into a
discussion about these here, they can be called “marital torts” (for which
money damages may be awarded) that essentially co-exist in parallel with the divorce
litigation. That will be the subject of
another column. Other than marital torts
(called “Tevis claims” in NJ, named after Tevis v. Tevis, 79 N.J. 422
(1979)), that are successfully litigated, a Judge will not financially favor a
litigant who complains about their estranged spouse committing adultery, for
example. So the Court will not award
more alimony or any damages, or attorneys’ fees for being on the receiving end
of infidelity. The Courts do not care
how many people your spouse slept with or what gender their partner was. In that case, why do people bother? Usually anger drives this choice, as well as the
grounds of Extreme Cruelty.
Grounds for Divorce
over grounds of extreme cruelty or adultery enables the litigant to write a
Certification, a sworn narrative that details as many specific details about
the marital infidelity and/or extreme cruelty (e.g. being humiliated, insulted,
treated in an emotionally abusive manner, etc.) that may have taken place over
the course of the marriage. For someone
who is hurt, devastated, angry, or just wants to vent their marital
experiences, this is an opportunity. On an emotional level, the angry spouse
wants the Judge to know what happened. The spouse’s fantasy here is that the
Judge will be outraged too. But that is just a fantasy since it will not happen.
Sometimes, however, it is recommended to
detail these events in the Complaint to illustrate the spouse’s character,
personality and violent or addictive tendencies (for example) and history when
custody of children is involved. But adultery
alone is not a reason for the Court to award primary custody of a child to the
non-cheating spouse. It is simply not a shocker anymore, and is so common as to
be mundane in the courtroom context. While the non-cheating spouse may be
outraged and devastated, the Court will not be unless something put the
children at risk or has the real potential to do so (e.g. having an affair with
an alcoholic, a felon, sex offender, or drug dealer, etc.). But even then, the
financial outcome of the divorce is essentially the same, although a Judge may
issue orders preventing the new partner (of any party for that matter) from any
contact with the children if it there is a risk of harm
Why Infidelity?
do people have affairs, anyway? On the
extreme end of the spectrum Some people who suffer from sexual addiction may be
compelled to engage in serial sexual encounters due to their dysfunction. But that is a disorder, requiring treatment
like any other addiction. It manifests
itself in chronic sexual acting out behavior. It is not because the cheater
fell out of love with their spouse, or that the spouse refuses sexual
relations. It is rather, a compulsive behavior that is difficult if not
impossible to resist.
have affairs out of chronic anger or long term pent-up resentment against their
spouse for a variety of possible reasons (may be called “excuses” or “rationalizations”
by some). Anger, as I have stated elsewhere, can be a catalyst for change, or
can be a destructive force if the anger is held inside, festering and getting
in the way of love. Infidelity is often an act of anger against the resented
spouse. Some examples of underlying “reasons”
acting as a wedge between the couple, thereby estranging them from each other
over time, could include: Disagreements over money management and spending,
meddling family members, the lack of sexual chemistry or lack of desire by a
spouse, untreated alcoholism or substance abuse, employment problems, etc. just
to name a few. Lack of sexual desire could happen after a woman has a child or
after menopause, or for both genders could be the result of depression, anxiety,
substance or alcohol abuse, etc. A
couple could drift apart because of the stress that a child with medical
problems or handicapping conditions could generate, not to mention the need to
focus on that child. The family dynamic that led to an infidelity could be
complex and multifaceted and is a therapy issue.
But a cheating spouse could cheat without
having any perceptible animosity or resentment toward their spouse. A cheating spouse could cheat because of
falling in love with someone with whom they interact on a regular basis, such
as a co-worker. This may be an insidious process that grows over time. It is possible that this cheating spouse can
love both the spouse and the lover at the same time, differently, without
having any desire to leave the marriage, without having any angry reason to
have had an affair. In this scenario,
the cheating spouse carves out a separate and distinct relationship with the
lover and with the unsuspecting spouse, as if in two separate worlds kept
insulated from each other. While this is
difficult to get away with over a long period of time, some have this kind of relationship
with two partners: a spouse and a lover, for years.
much energy it takes to maintain a secret, other-life in addition to the
marriage, may be huge and emotionally draining.
At some point, the cheating spouse may opt to leave one of the partners
because they cannot maintain the fiction at home and keep a lover and spouse
happy at the same time. Or subconsciously, that cheating spouse may allow
him/herself to be discovered and this will force the inevitable and dramatic outcome
on that person. Unless the couple wish to go for marriage counseling to work on
their issues, the trauma to the marriage may be insurmountable (with or without
therapy). Or they may be able to salvage
their relationship if the motivation is there. But damage is done and it is
usually difficult (but not impossible) to re-establish trust after such an
Emotional Care
spouse discovering infidelity should immediately get a qualified therapist to
help to emotionally process what happened in a productive manner, to prevent
impulsive and reactive behavior that could ultimately be self-defeating or self-destructive. If possible, marriage counseling should be
considered, but at the very least, individual counseling. The pain of discovery of the affair is great,
and if the infidelity is seen as a back-stabbing betrayal, it will take time to
heal. A support network will be helpful, but not if the support network vilifies
and demonizes the cheating spouse. How could that possibly help the
non-cheating spouse in any way except to encourage that person to be a victim? The support network would not know the details
and inner workings of the marital dynamics and history. The one seeking support would be well advised
to realize this and to request not to have their spouse (the parent of the
children) become the target of hatred, vilification and disparagement,
especially within earshot of the children.
It is up to the perceived victim of the cheating spouse to control the
environment, including the reactions of family and well-intentioned friends.
This can be done by polite requests not to disparage their spouse, regardless
of how heinous others think he/she is for what they did. The hurt and emotional upheaval that ensues should
not be shared with the children since it will not be to their benefit. It will
hurt them. So it takes great efforts to act in a healthy fashion after a major
betrayal from a spouse or partner. Letting
it all out at once in a destructive manner will make things worse. Regardless of the ubiquity of infidelity
these days, it can be a devastating experience for most. That is why a
therapist can help and this should not be delayed. Ironically, a victim of
domestic violence or a spouse’s affair who cannot cope, may find themselves under
scrutiny by the Court if children are getting exposed to undue emotional
reactions, or attempts at alienation from the other parent. When everyone is
under a microscope in Family Court, being in control of one’s emotions and
putting the children first is essential.
You’re in enough pain already. Don’t make it worse by losing control. If
there is acrimony between the spouses, the cheating spouse will not miss the
opportunity to make it look like the non-cheating spouse is unstable and unfit.
Regardless of the legitimacy of the reasons for the outrage, the expression of
that outrage can be self-defeating and even self-destructive. Don’t let that
happen. Don’t fall into that trap
because it can and will be used against you by the other spouse if there is an
agenda to do so.
Effects on Children
The discovery of an affair, while
devastating a marriage, can also have major effects on the children of the
marriage, whether minors or emancipated adult children. At times, the children will side with the
non-cheating spouse (perceived to be the victim or unhappy underdog). This can lead to severe estrangement of the
children from the cheating parent, along with other possible emotional results
in the children. It doesn’t help if the
non-cheating spouse rants constantly to the children what a creep the other
parent is. This kind of reaction does
great damage to children. Some parents
cannot filter out their feelings to protect their children, thereby using the
children as sounding boards or worse yet, therapists for the parent. This does untold damage to children such as
causing depression, behavioral acting out, anger management issues, or a child
who becomes “parentified”. The
parentified child overly identifies with the needy parent, acts to nurture, calm
and reassure that seemingly fragile parent. This child may also act in a parental role for
a younger sibling, if the grieving parent cannot. The parentified child may
stay home more, have less interactions with his or her friends and be less of a
child then he/she should be for their age. (less play, more taking care of a
parent in need). It is unnatural and not
healthy since it is the parent who is supposed to nurture the child, not the
other way around.
Good luck, and please post a comment about your experiences.
Copyright © Jonathan D. Gordon, Esq. 2016
Please note, this blog is for information purposes only. It is not legal or psychological advice and it does not create an attorney/client or psychologist/patient relationship. If you have a question about a specific matter you should seek out an attorney or mental health expert to assist you.
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